Be sure to add an import org. w3c. dom. NodeList; statement to your code to make this work. 确保将一个importorg.w3c.dom.NodeList;语句添加到代码中,以使其生效。
When the INSERT statement fails with the error code specified in the DECLARE EXIT HANDLER statement, control passes to the handler, and the procedure is exited. 当INSERT语句失败并且错误代码在DECLAREEXITHANDLER语句中指定,那么控制将传递到处理程序,而过程将退出。
Then you use the conditional if statement to check the return code of the command. 然后,您使用条件型if语句,以检查该命令的返回代码。
The SQL statement itself ( or the Java code in case of the Java stored procedure) are only available at the server side, which results in faster speed and better security. SQL语句本身(或Java存储过程中的Java代码)仅在服务器端可用,因此也就获得了更快的速度、更高的安全性。
To that end, you should change the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and the C code to allow for additional parameters. 为此,应该更改CREATEPROCEDURE语句和C代码,以允许使用更多的参数。
There's nothing in the statement that rewards clean code. 没有任何关于干净代码的奖励。
When you create a database using the CREATE DATABASE statement, the code page for the database will be derived from the operating system locale setting. 在使用CREATEDATABASE语句创建数据库时,将从操作系统的地区设置推导出数据库的编码页。
Replace poor performing SQL with a more optimal SQL statement without modifying the program source code 无需修改程序源代码即可使用经过优化的SQL语句替换表现不佳的SQL
A far more accurate measure one that can even gauge the time taken to run a single-source code statement can be taken using a code profiler. 一种更精确的测量甚至可以测量运行单个源代码语句的时间可以采用代码分析器。
In this example, we have chosen to fix the CREATE PROCEDURE statement instead of modifying the source code. 在这个例子中,我们选择修改CREATEPROCEDURE语句而不是修改源代码。
You do this using the# pragma export statement in your C code, or by specifying the EXPORTALL C compiler option. 这需要在C代码中使用pragmaexport语句,或者指定EXPORTALLC编译器选项。
Developers who have written C-UDF or C Stored Procedures in DB2 have learned to check the SQLCA after each EXEC SQL statement in their code. 在DB2中编写C-UDF或C存储过程的开发人员已经学会在其代码的每条EXECSQL语句之后检查SQLCA。
Statement, the cleanup code is separated from the working code, as follows. 语句,需要将清理代码与工作代码分开,如下所示。
If a host variable is being used for the cursor name, the declare statement actually generates code and thus must be executed before the fetch statement. 如果主机变量用于游标名,则实际上是declare语句生成代码,因此declare语句必须在fetch语句之前执行。
There is an untranslated Statement. Please refer to original code. 存在未翻译的语句。请参考原始代码。
If there is a match, this method returns a policy statement for the code group, including evaluation of child code groups. 如果有匹配项,此方法将返回该代码组的策略声明,其中包括子代码组的计算。
By hard-coding a break statement in the code he eliminates the need to manually set a break point. 在代码中硬编码断点声明后就不需要手工设置断点了。
Statement to run code based on multiple conditions. 语句来运行基于多个条件的代码。
The switch statement selects from among pieces of code based on the value of an integral expression. 根据一个整数表达式的值,switch语句可从一系列代码选出一段执行。
If there are no matches, the policy statement of the parent first-match code group applies. 如果没有匹配项,则应用父级首次匹配代码组的策略声明。
Which statement is correct about local code deviations? 下列关于当地规范偏差的叙述,哪项是正确的?
Statement to form a code block. 语句来形成代码块。
Gets or sets the policy statement associated with the code group. 获取或设置与该代码组关联的策略声明。
The same print statement can be used in kernel code and user-level code, so that the driver and test programs can be managed in the same way with regard to extra messages. 同样的输出语句既可以用在内核代码中也可以用于用户级代码中,因此不管是驱动程序还是测试程序都可以用同样的方式来输出消息。
Second, senior managers should be required to make an annual personal, signed statement describing how this code has been implemented in their area of responsibility. 第二,应该要求每位高管签署年度报告,描述各自负责领域的准则执行情况。
Recovery of Case statement from binary code 代码翻译中Case语句的识别和恢复
Furthermore it provided some elements, which realize COM detail through the statement of the code of C++, such as the structural body of realization of the interface. 并通过一些C++的代码的声明给出实现COM细节的一些元素,如接口的实现的结构体。
Chapter Four is about the legislation status quo of Litigant Statement in the Code of Civil Law of China& it mainly comes from legislation and practical act. I find the problems in it and pave a good way for the following thesis. 第四章通过介绍我国在立法与实践中的当事人陈述现状,找到其问题所在,为下文对其进行完善做好铺垫。
Modification of a statement in the source code of component can produce direct or indirect impact to other statements, this is ripple effect. 构件源代码中某条语句的修改会对其它语句产生直接或者间接的影响,这就是波动效应。